This sci-fi adventure was a very quick read and a very interesting concept. Beacon 23 is a “lighthouse,” in outer space, to help ships who are traveling at the speed of light to steer clear of dangerous asteroids in certain areas. Just like many lighthouses on earth, there is only one operator at each beacon. This story dives into the mind of a wounded war veteran who wanted to be alone for the rest of his life, so he asked to be posted at a Beacon. With a twist of events and an eye-opening tragedy, this beacon operator soon learns that he will not spend the days alone in solitude at Beacon 23. Within a series of follies, tragedy, and mental breakdowns, his life is changed forever.
I enjoyed this unique storyline from Hugh Howey. I read his Silo series: Wool, Shift, and Dust (which has been turned into a show). It was a very similar writing style to that trilogy. I recommend this book as an “in between” read when you’re not sure what you want to read next.