Outreach Services

Bringing Library staff and resources to communities that can’t easily access a full-service library.

Our Vehicles


The Bookmobile has a collection geared toward people of all ages. This vehicle stops at locations across the county including businesses, neighborhoods, and retirement communities.

Book’s Bus

Book’s Bus has a collection geared toward young people ages birth to 18. This vehicle stops at childcare facilities, schools, and public locations like neighborhoods and parks across the county.


The Storymobile has a collection geared toward children from birth to age 6. This vehicle stops at childcare facilities and public locations like neighborhoods and parks across the county.

Vehicle Services

Schedule and Events
The outreach vehicles have seasonal schedules that change to meet the needs of our communities throughout the year. In addition to this set schedule, vehicles provide service at a limited number of special events such as festivals and community involvement fairs. To inquire about your business or facility becoming a future outreach vehicle stop, or to invite a vehicle to your special event, please contact the Outreach Services Manager at 570-326-0536, ext. 118.


Library Cards

You can apply for a library card on board our outreach vehicles by completing a library card application for an adult card, minor card, or an institutional card.


Adult and minor cards may be used on all three outreach vehicles, at all Lycoming County Library System Member Libraries (including the James V. Brown Library), and at the Barbours Link Library. Institutional library cards may only be used on our vehicles, at the James V. Brown Library, and at the Barbours Link Library.


Materials for checkout
Library materials are available for check out on all three vehicles. The materials offered on each vehicle are tailored to the communities that the particular vehicle serves. All vehicles offer books, and they may also offer DVDs, board games, audiobooks, and educational toys.


Checking out and Returning Materials

Materials borrowed on outreach vehicles check out for two weeks. Materials automatically renew at least one time if another patron has not requested them. Library staff make every effort to adjust due dates when stops are canceled due to inclement weather or mechanical problems.


If you have questions about materials you have borrowed, ask your vehicle driver or call the James V. Brown Library: 570-326-0536, option 1.


Borrowed materials can be returned to any outreach vehicle, to the Barbours Link Library, or to any Lycoming County Library System Member Library (including the James V. Brown Library).


To learn more about borrowing on our vehicles or at the James V. Brown Library, please review the Library’s Borrowing Policy.

Bookmobile Schedule

Tap or click on a stop for more details.

Book’s Bus Schedule

Books Bus will be off the road due to mechanical issues until further notice. 

Some stops at childcare facilities and schools are not publicly-accessible. These are labeled with [Closed Stop] on the calendar below.

Storymobile Schedule

Some stops at childcare facilities and schools are not publicly-accessible. These are labeled with [Closed Stop] on the calendar below.

Library Link Location

The Link is a satellite location of the James V. Brown Library. It brings library services to a remote area of Lycoming County.


The Link has a public internet workstation, a rotating audiobook collection, more than 1,000 books including bestsellers and nonfiction, more than 1,000 DVDs and VHS including new releases and classics. Children can also use an early learning workstation and participate in summer learning activities.

Barbours Link

Plunketts Creek Township Building
179 Dunwoody Road
Williamsport, PA 17701



Tuesdays, 6pm – 8pm
Thursdays, 6pm – 8pm
Saturdays, 10am – 1pm