WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. – The James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., with funding from Christ Episcopal Church, is piloting a program in which families and children who ride River Valley Transit buses can read a book while on the bus or take a book home to build their home library.
Nicole Rader, Youth Services and Programming Director at the library, was alerted to a need in the community from members of River Valley Transit. Families who ride local buses often were looking for something to read or do together while using the service. An RVT member approached the library to see if books could be provided.
“Our mission of being the place to learn, connect, and grow includes promoting literacy outside of the library building,” Rader said. “Thanks to the community partnerships, the families and children riding public transportation around Lycoming County will now be able to read together while waiting for their destination.”
The Rev. Kyle Murphy, of Christ Episcopal Church, serves on the library’s board of trustees and immediately wanted to support this program. A donation from the church provided the funds to purchase a couple hundred books to put in buses through this pilot program.
“The library has an incredible pulse on our community’s needs and wants and we are happy to partner with them to support this new initiative,” said Murphy. “Anytime we can get a book in the hands of a child, the community wins. “
“Both the public library and transit have a shared interest in providing important resources and services to the community. Buses deliver local residents to the James V. Brown Library and its partners in our transit service area,” said Theresa Bertucci, Special Services and Outreach Coordinator, River Valley Transit. “River Valley Transit is excited to work alongside the local library system for not only the new books on board program, but also creating and planning a ‘Read and Ride’ program in the future. We know we can reach more people together as a team.”
The James V. Brown Library, along with libraries everywhere, continues to adapt and expand services to meet the evolving community needs. To sign up for a library card or to learn more about the library’s resources and programs, please visit jvbrown.edu.

The James V. Brown Library is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday; and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. To place a hold, visit www.jvbrown.edu or call 570-326-0536 during the library’s operating hours. Walk-in passport services are available from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays.
The James V. Brown Library, 19 E. Fourth St., Williamsport, Pa., is the place to go to learn, connect and grow. Founded in June 1907, the library champions the love of reading, opens new doors to lifelong learning, provides a haven to those who seek and ensures the preservation of public library services for future generations. The library has more than 225,000 visitors in a year and circulates a half-million items annually. A member of the Lycoming County Library System, the James V. Brown Library participates in PA Forward, a statewide initiative to promote literacies in our communities to power a better future for everyone.