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King of Scars

King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo (Young Adult)

This young adult novel is an extension of the Shadow and Bone series written by Bardugo. Told through multiple points of view, the story revolves around Nikolai Lantsov’s new reign as king since the Darkling was destroyed. Nikolai may seem strong, arrogant, charming, and resourceful – he’s struggling to juggle all his new responsibilities, alliances, and a new threat to Ravka. All the while, Nikolai and his team journey to places throughout the land to find answers to the magic inside him that came from the Darkling. These characters shine in this book, while still providing humor and suspense. A great YA Fantasy that will keep you wanting more – however, you should read The Shadow and Bone series, the Six of Crows Duology, then King of Scars.

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