Interlibrary Loan

When items are not available from one of the Lycoming County Library System member libraries, it still may be possible to locate it through Interlibrary Loan (ILL)! We’re happy to try to attain an item for you from another Pennsylvania library. Please be aware that due to increased costs for shipping, patrons are limited to three ILL requests at a time. Items that have been published within the last six months will not be submitted for ILL.
Since items are not owned by the Lycoming County Library System, they are subject to the requirements of the owning library, this includes fees, fines, and due dates. For this reason, ILL items are not available for pickup on the Storymobile, Book’s Bus, Bookmobile, at the LINK locations, or via books by mail. Ask at your member library if you have questions about obtaining an item through ILL.
If you’ve searched the catalog and were unable to find the book, DVD, CD, or other material that you would like to borrow, please fill out the Recommend for Purchase form. Your pickup library will review your request and may purchase the item or submit it for an Interlibrary Loan.